Is it really possible that there is no way to impo...
# pulumi-cloud
Is it really possible that there is no way to import an existing GitHub repository with a Pulumi.yaml program into Pulumi Cloud? In the interface you can only create new projects. When I try to use an existing repository in the "New Project" wizard, it shows the error
Directory not empty
. Am I missing something?
The new project wizard is meant to create new projects from templates- it will deploy the new project as a instantiation of the template to a new or existing GH repo (in a subdir). If you are using an existing project from an existing repo, its a different process: you initialize the stack using the cloud backend (appears in Stacks). Then you can configure deployments in the Settings/Deploy (or choose 'configure deployments' from the context menu on the stacks page). You can input your existing GH repo/branch etc.
@billions-river-87988 Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, although I've to admit the process is kinda bumpy, because I've to use the CLI to create the stack from a GH repo which I've to clone first somewhere and run the CLI.
yes, i tend to agree- its a use-case I hadn't really thought about until you mentioned it