Is there any data showing what's the most popular ...
# general
Is there any data showing what's the most popular language is for pulumi? I'm looking for go or python cuz I dont want to learn ts.. Is there additional benefits using certain language?
Python is our second most-used language. (TypeScript is first.) Feature support across all the languages is pretty even, so it really comes down to choosing whatever language/toolset works best for you.
When it comes to policy as code (our CrossGuard feature), we’re limited to only Python and TypeScript, BTW.
Does that help?
thanks. it helps, but I do see the confusing part when I use the pulumi AI to generate the same code for go like
or those
if err
. is it because go is not object oriented languages?
Go is strongly typed, so you’ll see use of things like
to convert things into the right type. It does make Pulumi programs written in Go a tad more verbose than some of the other languages (I prefer to write all my Pulumi programs in Go). The
if err
pattern is typical error-checking with Go programs.
got it. just
if err
reminds me it's Procedural programming and I dont see the try except with ts or python
Feature support across all the languages is pretty even
Including testing for Java?
I think I spotted mocks for Python and Go but not for Java.
There may be a few gaps here and there---I don't work with Java much and it's the newest language to be added, so it's possible that we missed some testing support. Mind opening an issue in ?
Hey @salmon-account-74572 I don't mind at all.
Looks like there is something similar-ish
raised , let me know if you want me to expand on the description
Thank you for opening the issue! I think the description is fine for now; I modified the title slightly.
ofc, thanks!