Hey everybody, hoping someone has run into this be...
# aws
Hey everybody, hoping someone has run into this before. I am trying to create an Aurora-Postgres Serverless v2 DB Cluster with the following C# code: return new Pulumi.Aws.Rds.Cluster(dbClusterName, new Pulumi.Aws.Rds.ClusterArgs { Engine = "aurora-postgresql", EngineVersion = "15.5", EngineMode = "serverless",//"provisioned", DatabaseName = "saga", MasterUsername = "saga_admin", MasterPassword = "saga_passwd", DbSubnetGroupName = subnetGroup.Name, // AllowMajorVersionUpgrade = false, // AvailabilityZones = _stackConfig.AvailabilityZones, ApplyImmediately = !isProdEnvironment, // BackupRetentionPeriod = 30, // days // ClusterIdentifierPrefix = dbClusterIdentifierPrefix, // NetworkType = "IPV4", Serverlessv2ScalingConfiguration = new ClusterServerlessv2ScalingConfigurationArgs { MaxCapacity = 2, MinCapacity = 1 }, // SkipFinalSnapshot = !isProdEnvironment, Tags = dbClusterTags.Merge(_stackConfig.DefaultTags) }, new CustomResourceOptions { Protect = _stackConfig.ProtectResources } Every time I try to deploy, I get the following error: r (sandbox-saga-dev-useast2-db-cluster-001): error: 1 error occurred: * creating RDS Cluster (tf-20240201182033271000000001): InvalidParameterValue: The engine mode serverless you requested is currently unavailable. status code: 400, request id: 9689d094-87a4-4114-9799-34d111eeb781 I have tried with various different combinations of config args, but no success. I have checked that the engine version is supported in the region and in my account : { "EngineVersion": "15.5", "SupportsServerlessV2": true } Hoping someone has run into this before. Thanks