hi, i am the author of the proxmox provider (<htt...
# package-authoring
hi, i am the author of the proxmox provider (https://github.com/muhlba91/pulumi-proxmoxve) which uses the terraform bridge to bridge the terraform provider https://github.com/bpg/terraform-provider-proxmox. now, the terraform provider provides an old terraform sdk v2 version AND a new terraform provider framework version with new resources being added only here. both provider versions are multiplexed in the provider's main.go file (see issue: https://github.com/bpg/terraform-provider-proxmox/issues/988#issuecomment-1918263728). in the pulumi provider i currently only wrap the old terraform sdk v2 version. to get the new resources also mapped i'd need to kinda "mux" both provider versions behind the same "facade" = i need to multiplex the same way the terraform provider multiplexes in the main.go file. did anyone encounter such a setup already and/or can provide some details on how i can solve this issue? thanks! 🙂
Hi @worried-energy-90920. If you got this working, great. 😄 Please ignore the rest of the message. The bridge has two muxing mechanisms, one too combine a TF provider and a Pulumi Provider. That is
, what @big-architect-71258 mentioned. There is also a mechanism specifically for mixing a plugin framework based provider with a sdk based provider. As an example, pulumi-akamai uses it: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-akamai/blob/0c0f10f065c293bf92d8ae514951779f29ca359a/provider/resources.go#L75-L89 To upgrade your provider, there are instructions here: ## How to Upgrade a Bridged Provider to Plugin Framework.
hi, thanks for your input! 👍 that was super helpful as i actually tried to get it working with
but missed the context parameter... (sometimes it's like you are running against a wall and don't see the stupidly easy way... 😅) now i need to find a way to use the automapper and still keep my old resource namespaces but thomas provided some ideas on that already.