At small tip please... I have a small dotnet tool ...
# general
At small tip please... I have a small dotnet tool that I wrote called "Pulumi Yoyo", to help manage stack hierarchies a little easier. Where is the best place to post the announcement and potentially get some community feedback (this is my first shot at doing this - therefore newbie mode ON). Thanks.
#built-with-pulumi Is this like a FOSS version of "dependent stacks"?
I don't see a license with your project. You should consider adding a
and a
maybe a few others.
Depedent stacks, that's a new one on me - probably then! 🙂
Thanks for the license heads up - will fix in the coming hours/days.
Pulumi could use a FOSS solution for this.
I'd be keen on seeing how people might want to combine the ideas. At this stage we're not using pulumi deployments - most of what we do is via CLI... precisely why I got annoyed at typing so much I suspect.
All our automation is via azure devops currently
At a glance, you've taken the local-first approach, where deployments takes the SaaS-first approach. There might be cases where it makes sense to use both in tandem depending on how you've logically broken up your stacks.