:mega: We just launched a couple of enhancements t...
# esc
📣 We just launched a couple of enhancements to the Pulumi ESC YAML editor? 🎉 ✅ Quick Auto-Complete: Tap 'Ctrl+Space' to reveal the list of functions and properties ✅ Smarter Diagnostics: Real-time errors help pinpoint errors on-the-fly Give it a spin and let us know your thoughts! Please raise any enhancement requests or bugs here: https://github.com/pulumi/esc/issues/new/choose
Could you publish the schema on schemastore for that? That is in the same way Pulumi project configuration schema has been published: https://json.schemastore.org/pulumi.json Sidenote... would love if Pulumi would also publish a schema for stack configuration files.
Thanks, @adventurous-butcher-54166. Would you be able to create an issue for us? https://github.com/pulumi/esc/issues/new/choose
Sure, https://github.com/pulumi/esc/issues/251 created an issue in
as well for the stack config schema https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/15423
Thank you!