Hi folks - When destroying a pulumi stack that con...
# kubernetes
Hi folks - When destroying a pulumi stack that contains a helm release (resource of type
) the destroy operation fails with the following error:
Copy code
uninstallation completed with 1 error(s): uninstall: Failed to purge the release: release: not found
If I do a
helm list --all
in the release namespace it comes up empty (as expected). Doesn’t this mean the operation completed successfully? Why does the operation fail in such a case?
Decided that filing an issue was probably better: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues/2817
Could you be destroying the namespace before the helm chart?
That is indeed possible since there’s no explicit dependency between the two. However, the pulumi stack state does still show the namespace being present.
Still running the issue, so doesn’t look like it’s a case of the namespace getting deleted before the release
You can use the dependsOn option to explicitly model the dependency Or when you declare the helm Release, use the namespace output (metadata.namespace) as an input to the Release with the same effect
That’s what I’m doing now but still running into the same problem