I am having a trouble with this parsing of YAML by...
# kubernetes
I am having a trouble with this parsing of YAML by a Kotlin yamlTemplateStringfy = "|apiVersion: v1\n"+ "|clusters:\n" + "|- cluster:\n"+ "| certificate-authority-data: ${masterAuthClusterCaCertificate}\n"+ "| server: https://${cluster.endpoint()}\n"+ "| name: ${cluster.name()}"+ "|contexts:\n" + "|- context:"+ "| cluster: ${cluster.name()}"+ "| user: ${cluster.name()}" "| name: ${cluster.name()}\n"+ "|current-context: ${cluster.name()}\n"+ "|kind: Config\n"+ "|preferences: '{}'\n"+ "|users:\n"+ "|- name: ${cluster.name()}\n"+ "| user:\n"+ "| exec\n"+ "| apiVersion: client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1\n"+ "| command: gke-gcloud-auth-plugin\n"+ "| installHint: Install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin for use with kubectl by following\n"+ "| https:\n"+ "| provideClusterInfo: true"._trimMargin_().