Hello! I've been working on infrastructure as code...
# general
Hello! I've been working on infrastructure as code with Pulumi and came across a need to manage
. I noticed there's already a Fivetran provider for Terraform (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/fivetran/fivetran/latest/docs), which got me thinking it would be incredibly useful to have something similar for Pulumi for our projects. Could anyone advise on the process for developing a new provider in Pulumi, especially how to propose one for a service like Fivetran? Also, how could I get involved in the development process? I'm new to creating providers in Pulumi and would appreciate any pointers on where to start or any resources that could help. If anyone else is thinking along the same lines or has started working on this, sharing information or collaborating would be amazing! Thanks a lot!
I’m going to tag my colleagues @limited-rainbow-51650 & @many-telephone-49025 here, but they’re based in EMEA so they may not be able to respond until later. Other folks who might also be helpful include @big-architect-71258 (also based in EMEA) and @busy-journalist-6936 (she’s a bit newer to the provider scene but still very talented and US West Coast-based).
If you'd like to do some reading in the meantime, the docs have pointers to creating Pulumi providers from Terraform providers (what we call "bridged providers"): https://www.pulumi.com/docs/using-pulumi/pulumi-packages/how-to-author/
@miniature-musician-31262 Thank you so much for the quick response and the helpful link! I'll definitely dive into the documentation on creating Pulumi providers from Terraform providers. It sounds exactly like what I need to get started with the Fivetran provider project. If I have further questions after going through the docs, may I reach out again? Also, if there's anyone else interested in collaborating on this or if you know of any ongoing efforts I could join, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks again for your guidance!
@salmon-account-74572 Do you have plans to add an ETL or ELT service provider like Fivetran in the near future?
We are tracking requests for a Fivetran provider, but AFAIK there are no definite plans for one at this time.
@salmon-account-74572 Thank you for letting me know about the current status of a Fivetran provider. I understand that there are no definite plans at the moment, but it's good to hear that the requests are being tracked. Please, if possible, keep me updated on any developments regarding this. I'm highly interested in contributing to or supporting the effort in any way I can, should the project move forward. Thanks again for your time and assistance.
Will do, thank you!
@agreeable-address-47313 we have a way to make existing TF provider usable for Pulumi. If you have an ETL or ELT provider there, we can bridge them for Pulumi usage.
Other then that, what @miniature-musician-31262 posted is a good place and of course creating a native Pulumi provider.
If you want to see an example of a working native provider as starting point: https://github.com/pinecone-io/pulumi-pinecone
The Pinecone Provider is a good example, it uses OpenAPI go client generation for the heavy lifting and then the GRPC calls for the Pulumi engine
@many-telephone-49025 Thank you for sharing the Pinecone Provider example. I will continue to share as progress is made. I hope to receive further advice and support as I work on this project. Thank you very much!