Hello Pulumis, I have a question related to `AWS ...
# aws
Hello Pulumis, I have a question related to
AWS Native
AWS Classic
providers: • for
AWS Classic
is there an expected end of life or it's going to be supported in parallel with the upcoming
AWS Native
? • for
AWS Native
is there a roadmap, when to expect the first major release? I'm asking this as it's currently been only 3 ish years in development and I don't fully trust it's production ready
There are NO plans to deprecate AWS Classic. The pace of development on AWS Native has been constrained by AWS’ own rollout of their Cloud Control API, which (unfortunately) is out of our control. There are no concerns with using both AWS Classic and AWS Native in the same program, if that helps.
Thank you @salmon-account-74572 for the reply!
Happy to help!