Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with the Pulumi G...
# general
Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with the Pulumi GitHub Action and my Cloudflare config (in Go FWIW). In CI I get the following error and the CI job fails:
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                      : new CommandError(result);
  CommandError: code: -2
   stderr: Command failed with exit code 255: pulumi preview --exec-agent pulumi/actions@v5 --color auto --exec-kind auto.local --event-log /tmp/automation-logs-preview-64NqCr/eventlog.txt --stack prd --non-interactive
  [resource plugin cloudflare-4.2.0] installing
  Previewing update (prd)

  @ Previewing update...............................................................................................................
      pulumi:pulumi:Stack mydomain-prd running 
      cloudflare:index:Zone <http://mydomain.com|mydomain.com>  error: cloudflare:index/zone:Zone resource '<http://mydomain.com|mydomain.com>' has a problem: Invalid or unknown key. Examine values at 'Zone.AccountId'.
However locally I get no errors and there are no changes as everything has been applied. Using the same secrets.
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$ pulumi preview --stack prd --non-interactive
I can't find anything online that looks similar. • https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-cloudflarehttps://github.com/pulumi/actionshttps://community.cloudflare.com/search?q=pulumi I feel like it must be something with the GitHub Action as there are no issues locally with
I renamed the
resource to
but still get the same error.
refresh: true
to the GitHub Action step results in the refresh succeeding (no changes) and PR commented, but still the