How is everyone using private typescript libraries...
# typescript
How is everyone using private typescript libraries for their pulumi code? I'm struggling with testing changes. I have a single github repo with all my shared iac. Currently I have a github action that uses a tsc and yarn package to transpile the files and send them as a package to a private aws code artifact repo. This works fine, but I don't have a convenient way to test out changes. Ideally I'd like to skip the build process and just point clients temporarily to a branch of the shared iac repo in github. I can use yarn to add a github dependency on my shared iac repo, but the repo doesn't have the transpiled js files. I understand that pulumi does typescript transpilation behind the scenes, so I can just package up the .ts files, but when I try to run pulumi I get the old import error:
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import * as fs from 'fs'
    SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
Is there a trick I can use to get pulumi to import .ts files (with es6 module imports) from node_modules? I've tried fiddling with various tsconfig settings, but I haven't found one that works.
There's no need to transpile anyything. Pulumi works with ts-node, so it's all in-memory transpilation. The same works for all JS/TS test libraries. You can package via NPM or workspaces, or a mixture.
If you want ESM in Pulumi code, then put this in your Pulumi.yaml:
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  name: nodejs
    nodeargs: "--loader ts-node/esm --no-warnings --experimental-specifier-resolution=node"
What's puzzling to me is that pulumi can load an esm typescript file like
in the base project directory without any changes (like
), but if that file is in
, it fails • I tried adding
as you suggested, but got
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Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '.../node_modules/ts-node/esm'
• I added
as an explicit dependency (to get a newer version than what pulumi depends on), but then got
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ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead
when importing pulumi libraries from
It's not Pulumi, this is all vanilla TS. You need to get the various targets, modules and so forth all correct.
So many settings 💀 If you (or anyone out there) could point me to a client project that's set up to import a typescript-only library from github this way, that would be greatly appreciated ...
NPM packages usually have js, .d.ts and .map files... don't know about using libraries with .ts files only.
I think you need these in your tsconfig compile optoins:
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"target": "ESNext",
        "module": "ESNext",
        "moduleResolution": "Node",
And something along these lines in your package.json:
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"type": "module",
    "module": "esnext",
    "target": "es2020",
yeah, I tried those things and it led to more failures ... giving up on this approach and just doing a file:// dependency
What I’ve done for testing changes is building locally and yarn linking the package so I can test before building a new version in the registry
thanks @victorious-church-57397 I haven't tried link yet ... I'm on new yarn, not sure if it works the same
Hey, yarn link definitely works for testing local dev packages before publishing them
just tried it with new yarn (yarn berry) and it does work nicely the only drawback is that I still need to run
after each change to my shared library
Yeah you will need to rebuild it when it changes…