Hi. My goal is to create kubernetes eks cluster an...
# yaml
Hi. My goal is to create kubernetes eks cluster and then immediately create aws load balancer helm release in the same scenario. I have to use pulumi yaml in this case. Everything is ok with creating the cluster using type: eks:Cluster. But looks like it is impossible to use kubeconfig in any type of resource. I tried to use the resource kubernetes:helm.sh/v3:Chart, but got an error :
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error resolving type of resource awsLoadBalancerControllerRelease: Helm Chart resources are not supported in YAML, consider using the Helm Release resource instead: <https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/kubernetes/api-docs/helm/v3/release/>
I tried the resource kubernetes:helm.sh/v3:Release, but it does not have kubeconfig in its input parameters. I tried to connect Kubernetes as a provider, but also without success. Is there a way to do it?
Is anybody alive in this channel?)
we do similar things in gke. Remind me later or tomorrow I may able to help.
getting kubeconfig to work was a pain
@straight-fireman-55591 Hi. A friendly reminder 🙂
I have to remind myself that
You can export eks cluster name, endpoint and CAcert to a file, then use that to set pulumi variables pulumi config set clustername, clusterendpoint, clustercert
we use gke but I assume is the same