Again, I'm confused on Pulumi output. I have a war...
# azure
Again, I'm confused on Pulumi output. I have a warning that some resources are going to change, and that their id, and type are going to be removed after I have imported the existing resources to my state. If it removed this id and type, does this do anything to my resource? Other resources appear to have these Azure paths, and they aren't calling for being deleted. I just didn't want them in my code as hard-coded values.
Copy code
~ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork: (update) 🔓
      + enableVmProtection: false
      ~ subnets           : [
          ~ [0]: {
                  ~ delegations: [
                      ~ [0]: {
                              - id  : "/subscriptions/resourceGroups/rg-e1-web-apps-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-e1-web-app-services/subnets/snet-e1-360-as-built/delegations/360-as-built-service-delegation"
                              - type: "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/delegations"
                  - id         : "/subscriptions/resourceGroups/rg-e1-web-apps-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-e1-web-app-services/subnets/snet-e1-360-as-built"
                  - type       : "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets"
          ~ [1]: {
                  ~ delegations: [
                      ~ [0]: {
                              - id  : "/subscriptions/resourceGroups/rg-e1-web-apps-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-e1-web-app-services/subnets/snet-e1-web-application-integrations/delegations/delegation-web-applications"
                              - type: "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/delegations"
                  - id         : "/subscriptions/resourceGroups/rg-e1-web-apps-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-e1-web-app-services/subnets/snet-e1-web-application-integrations"
                  - type       : "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets"
          ~ [2]: {
                  - id  : "/subscriptions/resourceGroups/rg-e1-web-apps-production/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-e1-web-app-services/subnets/snet-e1-web-app-gateway"
                  - type: "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets"
Apparently, it does nothing...
I ran up with no adverse affects.
I believe this is related to and Since subnets belong to VNETs, an import would have brought in the subnet information into your VNET's state object. So if you don't have them defined in your code as part of the
resource, it's going to show up as a diff. You should specify the resource option ignoreChanges and add
to it. I assume you've defined the subnet resources separately in your code using the