I am tryin gto add tags to an ASG following <this>...
# general
I am tryin gto add tags to an ASG following this documentation. This kinda works as Pulumi sees all of the tags in its config but AWS only gets 1 tag. Is this a known issue?
Tags and GroupTags are different. GroutTags are the tags that the ASG will apply to the instances it creates. Are you configuring the right ones?
Copy code
        - key: Name
          value: a
          propagateAtLaunch: true
        - key: env
          value: b
          propagateAtLaunch: true
        - key: product
          value: c
          propagateAtLaunch: true
        - key: creator
          value: d
          propagateAtLaunch: true
        - key: impact
          value: e
          propagateAtLaunch: true
when I click on tags above, that is what it takes me to
I do want GroupTags
And the EC2 instances created don't have the tags? I'm not seeing an issue with the YAML.
hmm, re-deployed again and now they show up