awww bummer, pulumi-docker doesn't have compose/st...
# general
awww bummer, pulumi-docker doesn't have compose/stack support
this would be really cool because then the same syntax can be used in several contexts
although i guess you could write a compose loader that reads the YAML and produces pulumi resources
(i'm in python, so i'd be tempted to steal the classic compose implementation)
Question: Do you need compose, though? You can create networks, build images, and deploy containers via the Docker provider.
(Aside from being able to use the same YAML definition in multiple ways.)
i'm already using the compose format for dev environments, and I would like to continue using it to define applications because of the accessibility it brings
basically, i'm pretty sure i can teach application developers how to use compose. I don't know if I can teach them the nuances of Pulumi&Cloud. I definitely can't teach them Kubernetes.
definitely can’t teach them Kubernetes
Although many teams/organizations/people will try! 😄