Hi - I am trying to move to Pulumi from AWS CDK. ...
# golang
Hi - I am trying to move to Pulumi from AWS CDK. I have been trying to automate connecting to S3 Backend from pulumi/pulumi-go docker image. So far wasted 2 full days and unsuccessful. Could not find documentation. Basically, I cannot do a pulumi login to S3 inside pulumi-go docker image - This fails with user not found message. Pls help
The pulumi docker images don't have users or aws info setup in them, but this isn't really a pulumi cli issue you'll probably find you can't do an
aws s3 ls
inside the container either. I think aws can login just from envvars being set, but it might need a linux user setup as well.
Hi @echoing-dinner-19531 - Thanks for the response, I had to create a linux user like you mentioned. I am trying this from EKS pod, so WebIdentityToken Env Var is available, aws s3 ls works fine. Would pulumi login to s3 backend use this token? Documentation is not great at all
I got past this, thank you for your help
Would pulumi login to s3 backend use this token?
Yeh it should use the pretty much same login tokens as the aws cli.