I'm having some issues getting my Python virtual e...
# aws
I'm having some issues getting my Python virtual environment (or just the python in the OS, itself) to recognize pulumi_awsx and pulumi_eks. I've installed both through pip and doing a 'pip list' shows pulumi_awsx = 2.5.0 and pulumi_eks = 2.2.1 Yet, while importing and running the modules doing a 'pulumi up', I get an error saying ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pulumi_eks'. Anyone else have this issue?
Is your Pulumi project using a virtual environment? If you install
globally but Pulumi is trying to use a local environment that could cause this problem.
That might be it, I did install globally. But also have installed locally in the venv too. Running Pulumi in an the venv or outside the venv gives me the same issue
This is the worst attribute(trap) of Python. One should never install anything in the system(global) python. I'd recommend organizing Python versions via
or a different Python manager just to avoid system python at all costs. I use
to install python version and then venvs for each project.
to manage venv and deps.
Yeah, learning the hard way Jan. Thanks!
Looks like I have my issue fixed. My pulumi.yaml points to 'venv'. My 'venv' did not have pulumi_eks installed. I had a couple other virtual environments in that folder that I ran on that did. I renamed one of those environments to venv as the pulumi.yaml has listed and removed all other environments. Now I can see it.
I usually have multiple projects with the same requirements and I remove venv from pulumi.yaml
Yeah, that's not a bad idea