Hey all, I was looking at interacting with Pulumi ...
# pulumi-cloud
Hey all, I was looking at interacting with Pulumi Cloud via the Rest API and was looking around. I see that we have at some (all?) of that rest client already built for use with go but it is an internal package here. Any possibility of extracting that out into a pulumi go client?
or maybe there is an openapi spec?
It's wrapped with a normal Pulumi provider, will that do? https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/pulumiservice/
We have been talking about some of those options lately, mainly in the context of providing an ESC SDK but it could apply to the rest of Pulumi cloud as well.
There is not currently an OpenAPI spec. Would just the spec alone be helpful?
I do not have a clear roadmap but we are looking into the options here. We are reluctant to just expose the client you mentioned as that solves the go use case but not other use cases for other languages.
I was thinking about how Engin had used the pinecone Openapi spec to generate the client for that provider. At least that is what I think he did and it sounded super helpful
For now I am content to wait and see what you all come up with as I am opting to try out a different direction and use the Pulumi service provider
We have been experimenting with an Open API spec for just ESC. Not everything that you can do in ESC has OpenAPI support but we have been able to work around most of that. The other APIs we could do in a similar fashion. It would be helpful if you had some use cases you were looking to the API to solve so we could prioritize (I think if we try to expose the entire surface area in one go it will slow us down).
I was looking to automate the setup of the deployments from within commands from our cli
Now I am going to try out just using the Pulumi provider to manage Pulumi inception
Hello @brash-gigabyte-81569, I guess you opened a ticket for the OpenAPI spec yesterday, but there already was one: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-cloud-requests/issues/100
Got a little overzealous and created it without searching 😐, just closed mine
No problem.
@enough-architect-32336 One specific thing I am looking to do which doesn’t seem like it is exposed yet is to configure the customer managed deployment runner pool to use for a deployment
Ah you are right that is not exposed yet
I was able to capture the calls and build out the api https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-pulumiservice/pull/228