Hi, I’m trying to add <local ssd> to my cluster fo...
# google-cloud
Hi, I’m trying to add local ssd to my cluster for pod’s ephemeral storage. I find various configuration in the nodepool reference that seems to do similar thing. What are the difference between them? • ephemeral_storage_configephemeral_storage_local_ssd_configlocal_nvme_ssd_block_configlocal_ssd_count Also, are disk_size_gb and disk_type the setting for all of them?
It's worth reading through this page, which explains their differences: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/local-ssd ssd_count and ephemeral_storage_config look to be unofficially deprecated, so you likely want to use ephemeral_storage_local_ssd_config. The disk_ parameters relate to the primary boot drive on the machine, and is unrelated to additional drives
Hi, thank you for the explanations. After I read through everything again, It seems like I cannot configure the size of the disk itself. The GKE will be the one to provision and scale it depend on the workload up to 9TiB per disk. Am I understand this correctly?