I see in the pulumi deployment docs it mentions: "...
# general
I see in the pulumi deployment docs it mentions: "Typically, users create a stack per cloud environment that defines Deployment Settings for all other stacks that deploy into that account or environment. This enables centralizing and sharing common configuration such as OIDC providers." However if i create a centralized stack per environment the
is being set by default to the location of the centralized deployment stack which doesnt contain the actual pulumi files i want to deploy. Is there a way to override this in the deployment settings to use the root of the github directory?
here is my directory structure if it helps
That looks like a normal infrastructure project. The docs are badly written: I understand that to mean that you create a PulumiDeployments project, in its own directory, that has only one stack. This sets up the deployment configuration for your other projects.
I do see that Pulumi docs often omit information about projects, and assume you know which stack is in which project 🙂
I do my Pulumi Deployment in a project that covers all the stuff that's needed for all "real" projects. Right now, that's just OIDC and Pulumi Deployments, but it would include Pulumi ESC, and maybe some vaults and vault-logs, if I ever get that organized.
thanks for the response but still a bit confused, this is what i am seeing, so trying to see if in my deployment settings if i can set something to navigate out of that dir so i can get into data/datapipelines. Unless you mean that each project should contain its own deployment dir ?
A Pulumi project is always in its deployment dir: they're the same directory. Before I muddy the waters further 🙂 : Are you configuring Pulumi Deployments via the console, or via a Pulumi project (using the pulumiservice provider)?
i am configuring it in my code but was doing all the config for all my projects in that one deployment project...thought here is one pulumi up sets up everything
ty for the quick response btw that was helpful info!
You don't want to configure Deployments in the same project as the resources you're deploying. That won't work.
You need one project (directory) for Pulumi Deployments, and one project (directory) for each of your deployable projects. Exactly how that fits into your data/data-pipelines directory, I'm not certain. It looks like you're on the right path though.
thanks for the help! ,my issue was actually pretty silly but your comment of "A Pulumi project is always in its deployment dir" helped me see it. The path i was referencing was not checked into main yet and that is what i was using as the ref