Pulumi Cloud API calls are returning a 503 Service...
# general
Pulumi Cloud API calls are returning a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable HTML template!
Pulumi Cloud Portal also down
Status page stating all systems operational
Are you guys aware of the situation@big-piano-35669 @white-balloon-205?
Thanks for calling out here @adventurous-butcher-54166. Yes - there was indeed a period where the API service was returning 503 errors. We addressed the underlying issue and everything is back and operational now. The incident is here - and we will be adding some additional details to those notes shortly: https://status.pulumi.com/incidents/qqw4w5sdcrzk. The #status channel here in Community Slack also has live updates from status.pulumi.com. https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/CNZA4B673/p1710895712415929