Hello, I’m attempting to import AWS resources into...
# aws
Hello, I’m attempting to import AWS resources into my pulumi stack, i have 2 providers configured for now and need to switch between them. I’m attempting to use
env variable but it’s ignored over what’s set in the provider that it assumes it should use. I’m attempting to define the provider URN to use on the command line through
pulumi import aws:….. --provider urn:pulumi:core::aws-core::pulumi:providers:aws::aws-us-east-1
and though it works correctly and imports into the state it fails to output the code with an error
error: anonymous.pp:11,12-17: undefined variable provider;
I had similar problem recently. If I remember right, I found that cross-region import is not working.
Thanks Lech, it appears to actually work using the provider I specify it just pukes during outputting code. So as long as I know what would have been output I can put that resource into my config. I didn’t try the follow up output export to see if I could get the code block but I’m moving forward. I’m assuming it’s a bug in the AWS provider plugins