When using a DIY backend, is there any scenario in...
# general
When using a DIY backend, is there any scenario in which Pulumi does not create a
file? (When using Pulumi Cloud, no local stack configuration file is created if no stack configuration values are supplied.)
I don't think backend choice is coupled to the stack.yaml at all
if you don't need unique variables per stack, then you wouldn't need to create the stack.yaml
My experience suggests otherwise. When using a DIY backend with the default secrets provider, a stack configuration file is always created with an
@salmon-account-74572 It will always create a stack config file that includes the config for your encryption provider. With Pulumi Cloud, that is integrated, so we don't need a place to save it.
Thanks, Ringo, I appreciate the response. If I'm using server-side encryption on my DIY backend, there's no way to disable the default encryption provider, correct?
@salmon-account-74572 even if you have server side encryption for the full state file(s), that doesn't exclude Pulumi wanting to know which encryption provider you want to use. Remember, one of Pulumi's key features is that we never have secrets in clear text in state files.
True, true. OK, thanks!