Can anyone shed some light on why this is being se...
# python
Can anyone shed some light on why this is being seen as a change, when i see no actual change here
Copy code
++aws:ec2/instance:Instance: (create-replacement)
      ~ securityGroups: [
          + [0]: "sg-0badf7fd2fba24cc6"
    +-aws:ec2/instance:Instance: (replace)
      ~ securityGroups: [
          + [0]: "sg-0badf7fd2fba24cc6"
It's triggering a change due to securityGroups but this has not changed.
I'm wondering if this could be due to a Python object instantiation created a different entity in the background which is not visible in the diff because all properties remain the same.
I don't think so, this looks like an aws provider issue. Worth raising an issue on the repo for it, the engine will respect what a provider says is a "diff" even if the values look the same to the engine.
@echoing-dinner-19531 you mean on the upstream terraform provider repo for this resource? I've also seen similar artefacts raised in a diff relating to tags ( wondering if this is a larger issue or always something on the terraform/provider? Would you recommend trying the aws-native modules where available if encountering these types of problems?
No I'd raise it at You can try aws-native, you can use it for just one resource no need to change the whole program.