Hi Team, Is there a way to cache Pulumi stack reso...
# general
Hi Team, Is there a way to cache Pulumi stack resource creation instead of rebuilding the whole stack again.
Stack resources are stored in the pulumi state files. Can you clarify what sequence of commands you're attempting to optimise?
The pulumi up command when provisioning resources.
pulumi up
won't rebuild resources, unless you're using a weird Provider
I don't want it to build everything from scratch including the resource.
Maybe my configuration is bad. Let me check.
What does
pulumi preview
tell you it intends on doing?
It wants to update the changes. Now my issue is that it rebouilds the docker images every time even if I have not updated the images configuration since I am usinf ECR and ECS.
I want to reduce the time takes for each subsequent build after the resources have been created but the time is the same.
I see. Personally I don't use the docker provider to build my images, I do that in a distinct CICD step.
PS: I am using Jenkins CI
Would you mind to share how you go about it?
Copy code
const myAppImage = new docker.Image("my-app-image", {
    build: {
        args: {
            BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE: "1",
        cacheFrom: {
            images: [pulumi.interpolate`${ecrRepository.repositoryUrl}:latest`],
        context: "app/",
        dockerfile: "Dockerfile",
    imageName: pulumi.interpolate`${ecrRepository.repositoryUrl}:latest`,
    registry: {
        password: pulumi.secret(authToken.apply(authToken => authToken.password)),
        server: ecrRepository.repositoryUrl,
is a doco example of image caching
we run
docker buildx build ...
directly, then pass the image id in to ECS TaskDefinitions
Ok. Let me try it.
For me I was using the awsx.ecr