I'm trying to authenticate with hasicorp vault usi...
# dotnet
I'm trying to authenticate with hasicorp vault using approle method. I was trying to use a new vault provider but this fails with error "Pulumi.Vault.ProviderArgs.Token is required but was not given a value (Parameter 'Token')". Anyone else had this problem and resolved it, please help. I don't want to provide a token to pulumi to authentincate to vault. I want pulumi to use the approle to authenticate to vault and handle the tokens itself. Pulumi:3.60.0, Pulumi.Vault:6.0.0 #pulumi-vault #hashicorpvault
var vaultProvider = new Provider("edp-vault-provider", new ProviderArgs
Address = "<https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.hashicorp.cloud:8200>",
AuthLogin = new ProviderAuthLoginArgs
Method = "approle",
Path = "auth/approle/role/xxx-role/login",
Parameters =
{ "role_id", roleId },
{ "secret_id", secretId },