Hi, I am using FunctionApp (classic) to create fun...
# azure
Hi, I am using FunctionApp (classic) to create function apps but it does not support beyond .NET 6. error: azureappservice/functionAppFunctionApp resource 'test-v8-function-app' has a problem: expected site_config.0.dotnet_framework_version to be one of ["v4.0" "v5.0" "v6.0"], got v8.0. Examine values at 'test-v8-function-app.siteConfig.dotnetFrameworkVersion'. I tried to create .NET 8 based WindowsFunctionApp (classic) but getting following error * A resource with the ID "/subscriptions/......./resourceGroups/......./providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/test-v8-function-app" already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for "azurerm_windows_function_app" for more information.: A resource with the ID "/subscriptions/......./resourceGroups/....../providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/test-v8-function-app" already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. Please see the resource documentation for "azurerm_windows_function_app" for more information. I want to upgrade my existing function apps created with FunctionApp (classic) to .NET 8.
you should first check the azure docs for the capabilities of the underlying resources--it's possible that they have multiple "function" resources, and the one you're using doesn't have newer .NET versions.
the easy answer is to just delete and recreate it
but if you don't want to do that, there's import mechanisms--
pulumi import
might be a good place to start
as well as `ResourceOptions`'s
(and such)
if it turns out you need to change what underlying resource you're using, you're kinda SOL
is deprecated – You should probably be using azure.appservice.WindowsFunctionApp which accepts
@adventurous-butcher-54166 I understand WindowsFunctionApp is the new way to go but we have existing function apps (created with FunctionApp .NET 6) running in Production and now we want to migrate them to .NET 8 without deleting.
@hundreds-gpu-71155 Thanks for reply. It was successfully imported using Pulumi Import (C# code) without error but it is not showing in resource group (seems deleted) and after changing something and rerun Pulumi Up command it throws error (Used Protect=true and RetainOnDelete options)