Good morning/afternoon/evening... I have a use cas...
# python
Good morning/afternoon/evening... I have a use case for Pulumi that is actually more generic, but figure might get a quicker response here. I am interested in using Pulumi to "cookie cutter" labs in Azure. My thought was to use a different "stack" for each lab so I can switch to and bring down/redeploy/etc as needed. It seems like this should work as the Stack functionality seems to be for separating environments. Is there something I'm missing in relation to Stacks that would not make this work as I think it should?
It really depends on the details of your use case. That is a way, certainly, but some things to consider are the number of labs and the difference in them. If they are actually different projects, it might make more sense to enroll the automation API to treat it like such. If you're talking about managing 10 labs that share the same infrastructure patterns, but have different configuration, stacks are certainly appropriate.
So it is used for training new employees on software. We give them a lab, they complete tasks, they are cleared to perform work. Only difference will be what application and at that point, I can just create multiple projects, one for each application.
Generally only a few going at a time, so the need for Automation isn't really needed.
I was using Ansible, but got mixed results with reliability. Terraform doesn't work how I want it to work in building things out. Figure I could give this a go.
Yeah, it sounds like you're on the right path. I think stacks are correct for your use case. I mentioned the Automation API For the more complex use cases that would require stricter separation of your projects.
Fantastic! I thought I was, but I didn't want to put another day or two into this to find out it was a bad idea at the end 🙂
Separating out your projects right now might be overkill, unless say for example you're managing many stack lifecycles for 1 employee, it might be cleaner to manage operationally if each stack was associated with a project, because then it's just "user for project" and not "user by namespaced stack in project"
Got it, Thanks!