Hey Pulumi Community, I'm trying to use Rye with p...
# python
Hey Pulumi Community, I'm trying to use Rye with pulumi and so far most things seem to be working. I have installed both the pulumi and pulumi-aws packages in the pyproject.toml and have completed a
rye sync
which successfully installed those packages. I have also pointed to my rye
directory in the pulumi.yaml config which is working as expected. However when I try to run
pulumi up
I run into the error
Copy code
error: failed to discover plugin requirements: calling `python -m pip list -v --format json`: exit status 1
I'm struggling to find what is going wrong - any ideas?
... I installed pip and it works and that's great. 🫠
that's weird, i thought venvs always came with pip?
unless rye is doing something weird?
Hey Jamie, I think Rye is just super super barebones. But when installing Rye you get two install options between
where Rye recommends
. I think that's why, I made assumptions that I wouldn't run into pip issues because I'm too used to having it all the time.
[muttering] wtf is uv...
Beats me!
[muttering] what does it not alias...
[muttering] who's driving the thing to replace all the standard tools
I'm very new to Rye and UV, our CTO is a bit of a python wizard and he loves it, some of the projects he's been working on with it look really great. Also now that I'm getting used to Rye I think it's the best python dev experience I've had
oh, it's all one group, astral
i mean, this python witch is gonna disagree with your python wizard, but whatever
Try it 😉 You might find it's super good
i'm already freely moving between poetry, pipenv, pip-tools, xonsh vox, and doing stuff manually
go on, tell me what does this astral upstart bring to the table
Honestly it's just because it's all in one place, easy to manage, as it does your venv and packages nicely. But if you have a few different repositories i.e.,
You can clone those down, put them in a single directory and then create your pyproject.toml to link them all together so that you can have an entire happy dev environment with mutli-repos being managed with a single tool in a single place.
I'm explaining this poorly as I am new to it and I am definitely no expert software engineer.
ok, we're running into monorepo problems, so if it does interesting things for that, it might be worth while
I highly recommend 🙂
"it does venv and packages" also describes poetry
and if you don't need to actually build a package, pipenv is also useful
i'm still gonna be cranky that this is a footgun that exists
Hahaha, there's no need to use it, but I'm enjoying the experience
yeah, but there's a lot of tools that assume the command to call to add/remove packages is
so if rye makes a venv without
, and something else tries to use it, you end up with ^
That's true although like with my issue, I just ran
rye add pip
and then a
rye sync
and it resolved. Also when installing rye you can choose to use
by default
i'm still gonna be cranky that this is a footgun that exists