I'm pretty sure this isn't directly a Pulumi quest...
# azure
I'm pretty sure this isn't directly a Pulumi question. But the Azure resources I'm asking about are generated from a single Pulumi program. And perhaps some Azure experts here might have some ideas. Question: Why are 2 of my log analytics workspaces not receiving data from the Azure app services that they're connected to? I have 4 environments each corresponding to a Pulumi stack: Dev, Test, UAT, Prod. Each of those environments has 2 app services, 1 web/API app service and 1 function app service. Each of the 8 app services is associated with its own log analytics workspace which correspondingly is used for the data ingestion of the 8 application insights instances. Out of those 8 total log analytics workspaces, 6 are correctly receiving data and thus app insights has data and is working. But 2 of them - the Dev and Test web/API app services - are not receiving any data and thus app insights has no data. As I said, there's a single Pulumi program that creates the 4 environments, based on which stack is specified with "pulumi up". It's the exact same code. Dev, Test, and UAT all use the same SKU levels. Going section by section through the Azure portal reveals no differences, and Azure says everything is configured correctly. I've exported the ARM templates and compared between environments, and there are no differences beyond names. I'm not sure what else I can do to troubleshoot the problem and "jump start" those two app services so that they start sending their data to their log analytics workspaces. Thoughts? Many thanks.
Hi Donnie, hope I can help. • Are those containerized or runtime workloads? Linux or Windows? • Do the settings under Diagnostic Settings blade look the same betwen the working and non-working apps? ◦ What log categories do you have enabled? • You also mention App Insights ◦ Are you using the platform provided agent or do you ship it with your code/container? ◦ Have you checked that the instrumentation key is correct? • When you navigate to the Advanced Tools panel ◦ Can open by navigating to: https://<your_app>.scm.azurewebsites.net/ ◦ Under
Log stream
, can you see any output there? ◦ Under Environment, what are the following variables showing? ▪︎
• Navigating to your non-logging App Service -> Logs blade, are none of the following Kusto queries showing a positive count?
Copy code
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| count

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| count

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| count
I'm pretty sure I found the issue - and it's me being an idiot plus old b/c I wrote the code that initializes App Insights (the SDK) so long ago. Really appreciate your reply. In case it helps anyone in the future, this MS article was the most helpful for checking the telemetry ingestion "pipeline": https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/azure/azure-monitor/app-insights/telemetry/investigate-missing-telemetry