I need some help with `pulumi destroy` linked to ...
# general
I need some help with
pulumi destroy
linked to linode. The commands runs fine, but linode instance are not deleted (sometimes), and this sometimes is driving me crazy. Why does it sometimes work , and sometime not? Any help is appreciated For example here a destory command decided to refresh the instance, but not delete it!
Can you share the same log when destroy was pushed but the resources didn't get deleted?
This is the log where the resource did not get deleted
That's strange. jus to clarify, you are seeing the resources do not get deleted even if they DO get deleted from Pulumi ? not exactly like this but we had this issue and found that we were setting up retainOnDelete flag in one instance and in another, the resources were locked state so pulumi will delete them but the end resources will be retained.
am aware of both situations, the resource is not locked and the retain flag is not set, but the issue is not that. The issue is that Pulumi decided not to delete the resource along with other resources, instead it decided for a refresh!
maybe my command here has something wrong? 🤔
am confused a bit. i do see the destroy action in the log you shared. the commands look ok. you can add -d
the destroy command did not delete
which is the cloud machine hosting the deployed code instead it generated
line 30 should be delete (not refresh)
ok. the preview shows the same. i will try in our env. did you have the create log by any chance?
yes can share it
Sorry haven't been able to test due to unavailability of the env.