Hi, we are experiencing a bit of a weird issue cu...
# google-cloud
Hi, we are experiencing a bit of a weird issue currently: We have a couple of cloudrunv2 Services, that are defined with
Copy code
but somehow pulumi up doesn't sync that correctly, because updating works, but when running a
pulumi up
a second time it still reports the old value set in the stack as
Could you try doing a
pulumi refresh
, and see what diffs are reported
Pulumi refresh reports no diffs in any of the cloudrun services at all. And in the Dashboard Pulumi Webinterface in the Resource views it says
is set to
- even though its not
pulumi up
looks like this:
Then if I confirm this, it says it updates everything succesfully, but a second
pulumi up
after that shows the exact same diff again.
According to the rest api docs, if you specify beta, it'll change to GA if there isn't currently a beta available. Are there definitely beta stages for CloudRun atm?
We are making use of direct VPC egress: https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/configuring/vpc-direct-vpc In the docs there it does say that this is still classified as a Pre-GA feature.
I'll check if maybe there was some cloud run change regarding this (e.g. this feature coming out of beta or so) causing the issue, thanks for the pointer.
Hmm, it seems
is now classified as a "legacy" launch stage: https://cloud.google.com/products?hl=en#product-launch-stages Though I have no idea what this means exactly at the moment 😀
Haha, yeah Google docs can be awkward to follow, especially when they don't provide api/tf references. The cli wraps up a lot of calls
I assume with it set to GA, the direct vpc egress doesn't work?
Hmm, I removed
now, running pulumi up this time says no changes, so that seems to be the current state of our system anyways 🙂 And checking on the cloud run docs page: https://cloud.google.com/run?hl=en The last highlight entry in "Features" is Direct VPC egress - so I guess this feature became GA in the meantime, and somehow our cloudrun services as well 😄 Tests show our system (including VPC egress) is still working fine.
I'm not sure if that is the general solution for the underlying issue then in any case, but it seems our problem is resolved 🙂 Thanks a lot for your help @dry-keyboard-94795