Hello, I have a problem with "Pulumi up" and hope ...
# azure
Hello, I have a problem with "Pulumi up" and hope that an expert from this forum can give me support or a hint to my problem. My problem is that no update is carried out during the "Pulumi up". There are also no other screen messages - neither the resources I have changed nor any errors during execution and the process is terminated after a few seconds. To get more information about the problem, I have activated the verbose logging via "pulumi up -s qa -y -f -logtostderr -logflow -v=10". I have attached the resulting output to this post in a text file (PulumiUp_NoAction.txt). However, I cannot deduce my problem based on the messages and would like to ask the experts from the forum to take a look at the log! Thanks in advance for your support! Greetings, Wolfgang
It seems you are using PowerShell on Windows. What version of PowerShell are you on?
Hello and thank you for your answer - I make the call in the Visual Studio Terminal (PowerShell) and there I get the version display: PSVersion 5.1.19041.4291
Can you please try using a newer version of PowerShell?
Hi praneetloke, I installed PowerShell 7.4.2 and tested "pulumi up" again but the behavior was exactly the same. That means no error message was prompted but also no update was carried out. (To enforce an update process I before changes some typescript code for my resources). Please find the Powershell output below...
Are you using Pulumi Automation API? Can you please share some code? That output looks strange and unlike what the CLI emits.
Hi praneetloke and thanks again for your support. We have hosted pulumi related things (stacks, pwd) in Azure and we use a PowerShell script to carry out a pulumi up. The output I posted above comes from that script. Below please find the code of that PowerShell script....
Got it. There is nothing wrong with that script. It's just a wrapper that eventually executes
pulumi up
. The verbose logs that you posted in your very first message shows that it attempts to launch the nodejs process but then exits right after. Which version of Node.js do you have your machine? I would expect that you are running version 18.x or higher, preferably the latest LTS version 20.x.
Hello praneetloke, you are right I am working with node V18.18.2 (LTS)
Ok well, I was actually hoping you had something older which might explain the abrupt process termination. Can you try version 20 just for good measure?
Hi praneetloke, I've just testet with the latest LTS node version V20.13.1 but the behavior remains. The current situation looks very bad. We have put a lot of effort into getting the Azure system up and running with the help of Pulumi. Over the last few months, we have also occasionally made slight changes (e.g. new environment variables or certificates) via Pulumi and Pulumi has always worked without any problems. Now, however, I have a "total failure" and unfortunately I am not getting any useful information from Pulumi regarding the cause of the problem... Do you have any other ideas where the problems could be or how I should proceed for further analysis?
@few-lizard-48557 let's hop on a call. This is really strange and I want to try out a few things with you.
DM me a few times that work for you this week.
@clever-sunset-76585 a phone call would be great! The following times would be possible for me (local time, germany): Today: 10:30 - 18:00 Tomorrow (Friday): 08:00 - 09:30 / 11:30 - 18:00 How can we get together?
@few-lizard-48557 I am in Seattle. I can do 8am PDT which is 5pm your time.
By the way, I meant 8am PDT on Thursday 5/16
@clever-sunset-76585 5pm fits perfect for me. Can we use teams for contact or are there any other possibilities. I see a Huddle button but I do have no experiences with this...
Ok, via huddle I got it...
Yep let's do Slack huddle. It's the simplest.
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