What's the status on adding Bitbucket Cloud as an ...
# pulumi-cloud
What's the status on adding Bitbucket Cloud as an integration for Cloud CI/CD?
With Go, manually. What I want is full integration, like with Github, as I'd prefer to not have our entire codebase used to feel Microsoft's AI.
Those features are available via Pulumi, not via any particular SDK: there is nothing Go-specific in there (the engine just happens to be written in Go, that's all). The Pulumi engine can detect when it's being run via Bitbucket pipelines, and puts the correct meta-info in the preview and up pages. Which feature(s) are you looking for? Commenting on the PR? That's provided by the GitHub action so it's not available via Pipelines PRs, but you can see the output of
pulumi up
etc. in the Pipelines console, "Build" tab.
I mean here:
Oh, I guess "git" is just the catchall for everything else?
But also here. Bitbucket Cloud/Atlassian support apps and connections just like Github and all those other providers.
Yea, that just gives the improved PR reports, I think? I've never noticed anything special for any CI system except GitHub, and that's because of the Action.
It also would simplify setting up using Deployments though, wouldn't it? If I could treat it as an integration?
I'm not sure. I've only set up Deployments once, with OIDC, and nothing special was required. I don't know what features those things add. Maybe there's a SDK over the API, that it providers? I don't know...