Hello everyone, My company and I are very new and ...
# aws
Hello everyone, My company and I are very new and inexperienced with pulumi. We've integrated pulumi into our app and it is working completely fine. However, there is a frequent issue we're having when we deploy our lambdas to our dev and staging environments. We're a 4 person team. Previously, only one of us was responsible for deploying the lambdas. It was no issue then. However, now that multiple people are deploying, whenever a different person is deploying the lambdas. It takes SIGNIFICANTLY longer for the lambdas to develop (approx 3-4 hours) compared to when there was only one person deploying (approx 15 mins). Why is this happening? Is there a way we could resolve this issue as it is taking a lot of time in our development.
Do you mean that when person A deploys, it takes 15 mins, but when persons B, C D deploy, it takes hours? Have you tried verbose output?
@gifted-gigabyte-53859 Yes that's what I mean. I should also add that when person B deploys and it takes hours, the next time person B deploys it will only take minutes but if person A, C, or D deploy, it will again take hours. So deployment takes hours whenever a 'new' person deploys but will only take minutes if the previous 'deployer' deploys. No, I haven't tried that. What is verbose output?
As a general troubleshooting technique, try creating a new pulumi project wth very simple infrastructure, like a single s3 bucket, and see if the same thing happens. Try to identify if the delay is from pulumi or from AWS Another question I have is why does the deploy take 15 mins? I'd consider this unusually long. My deployments take only 30 seconds for simple code updates for lambdas, and maybe a few minutes (5min) if deploying an entire environment with all infrastructure from scratch
Check that your AWS credentials aren't expiring somehow