Hi Team, one quick info please when I run "pulum...
# general
Hi Team, one quick info please when I run "pulumi up" , it returns the below output.. /home/src/pulumi-gcp-go-k8# pulumi up Previewing update (dev) View in Browser (Ctrl+O): https://app.pulumi.com/SivaSB/pulumi-gcp-go-k8/dev/previews/79b92fa1-9792-4953-af5e-f67da24e97a3 Downloading plugin: 57.15 MiB / 57.15 MiB [=========================] 100.00% 0s here what is https://app.pulumi.com/SivaSB/pulumi-gcp-go-k8/dev/previews/79b92fa1-9792-4953-af5e-f67da24e97a3 & its purpose and Downloading plugin: ?
The first link is to view the progress of the update (up) in the pulumi cloud dashboard. The plugin download is to fetch the provider executables for the services you need; in this case for GCP
Hi Anthony, Thanks for your info