Hi everyone! First time poster… Are there Pulumi ...
# general
Hi everyone! First time poster… Are there Pulumi Solutions Engineers that can be hired for pinpoint debugging purposes (a few hours at a time once or twice a month)? We are a conservation nonprofit trying to maintain a Pulumi codebase designed by an engineer who is no longer available, and sometimes we are stymied by issues during deployment that we just don’t have any in house knowledge about how to solve. Happy to chat more in this thread or DMs! https://github.com/SkyTruth/cerulean-cloud/actions/runs/8889017798/job/24406774304
Just looking now, I see you've seen there's a directory that can't be found and commented the code. The main thing I see that's changed since your last good deploy was pulumi upgraded to 1.114. For now, you can try pinning to v1.113.3 (last known good run).
pulumi-version: '3.113.3'
https://github.com/SkyTruth/cerulean-cloud/blob/feature-cnn-pipeline/.github/workflows/test_and_deploy.yml#L103 You'll need to add it to all of the pulumi action blocks
@dry-keyboard-94795 Thanks for the suggestion! I must have missed that versioning. I’ll try pinning ASAP!
This commit seems potentially related, though the release has been out 4 days, I'm surprised nothing has been raised so far: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/commit/5331b63429f46278d9355610cc779b1352bfb262
If I can confirm that the stack deploys without issue on v3.113.3, I’ll definitely post this as a github issue. Thanks for your sleuthing!
sure. spinning up a quick project to try and confirm the behaviour in isolation too
sorry, locally it's in the right directory for me
Looks like someone else may have had the same intuition as you! https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/16092
haha, just gotten it replicated here now
for visibility in slack: flagging that this is a v3.114.0 regression when the user specifies a custom
directory in their pulumi config
Thanks for letting us know and for the details!
Sorry for the trouble.
Hi Jona, just letting you know this should be working in pulumi v3.115.1 now