I'm tryin to follow examples from the docs like th...
# aws
I'm tryin to follow examples from the docs like this one 'https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws/api-docs/acm/certificatevalidation/' but it seems the ts is not right
Hey! can you elaborate on the
but it seems the ts is not right
I am guessing it is
Copy code
exampleCertificate.domainValidationOptions.apply(domainValidationOptions => {
    for (const range of Object.entries(domainValidationOptions.reduce((__obj, dvo) => ({ ...__obj, [dvo.domainName]: {
        name: dvo.resourceRecordName,
        record: dvo.resourceRecordValue,
        type: dvo.resourceRecordType,
    } }))).map(([k, v]) => ({key: k, value: v}))) {
        exampleRecord.push(new aws.route53.Record(`example-${range.key}`, {
            allowOverwrite: true,
            name: range.value.name,
            records: [range.value.record],
            ttl: 60,
            type: aws.route53.RecordType[range.value.type],
            zoneId: example.then(example => example.zoneId),
but would like to confirm. I believe I do have a working example of this in TS if that would be helpful.