Good afternoon, wanted to reach out and see if the...
# pulumi-deployments
Good afternoon, wanted to reach out and see if there is a potential bug or if I am doing something wrong. I am relatively new to Pulumi and have created a project and stack to deploy a few resources to Azure. I am looking to integrate Pulumi with GitHub Actions. When I try to configure the repo for deployment under Settings > Deploy, I cannot get the ‘Save deployment configuration’ button to not be disabled despite adding all required information for the config. It won’t accept my value for ‘GitHub organization/repository’ and just persists the red color as if the field is invalid. Any tips would be appreciated!
Hmm interesting! Are you using the repo dropdown to enter your repo name? in
GitHub organization/repository
I am not, nothing is populating for that dropdown so I was just typing it in manually. Am I missing some other setup to have that dropdown populated?
Yeah it seems like perhaps something isn't quite right with the github app integration. The dropdown should be populated with all the repos that the github app has access to. You'll want to make sure that: 1. Your github app was installed originating from Pulumi (and not from github); 2. Your github app has access to all the repos you want accessed for Deployments
Thanks for the feedback! I will take a look at this to double check the setup. I believe we have installed the app from Pulumi maybe we will uninstall and reinstall the app in case we configured it incorrectly.