Hi All, I have created an EKS Cluster and exportin...
# python
Hi All, I have created an EKS Cluster and exporting the cluster object something like this in one of the stacks
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self.eks_cluster     = eks.Cluster()
pulumi.export('eks_cluster', self.eks_cluster)
From a different stack I am trying to get the cluster object to create ManagedNodeGroups
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eks_cluster: eks.Cluster = infrastructure.get_output("eks_cluster")
It gives me this error. It only returns a dict object.
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AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'urn'
Is is possible to get the exported values as Objects and can be casted? any thoughts?
I had the same problem a while ago. As far as I know, it's not possible to export and import the entire
component resource. You can only export values. There is also no equivalent to
(docs) for the pulumi_eks module, see this issue. What you can do, however, is using
(docs) to add node groups to your cluster. This only requires the cluster's name and will also create what EKS calls a managed node group. You can see in the source code that
and doesn't do a whole lot more, aside from reading some details from the
resource rather than you having to pass them explicitly.
I was thinking of adding NodeGroups, but just wanted to leave the AMI for AWS to handle. I think this is the only way to workaround this problem. Let me try NodeGroup. Thank you
You don't have to specify an AMI when creating an
, both
are optional parameters. This is exactly the same as for
, which simply passes these parameters down to the underlying
resource (here). The naming is unfortunately really misleading, you'll get the exact same kind of managed node group in both cases.
Seems like. wow, it worked!! Thank you!!
Glad I could help!
Hi @modern-zebra-45309, I need another help. I am exporting the kubeconfig from one stack something like this,
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pulumi.export('kubeconfig', self.eks_cluster.kubeconfig)
and then while deploying the helm chart on a different stack using the Stack reference to get this value and add a new provider:
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StackReference(                                stack_name = f"organization/core/{get_stack()}"
eks_kubeconfig            = _sync_await(infrastructure.get_output_details("kubeconfig")).value
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eks_cluster_provider    = Provider(
                cluster     = f"{get_stack()}-{subsystem_name}-core-{name}-cluster",
                kubeconfig  = eks_kubeconfig
In the helm chart Release I am passing the following option:
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opts            = pulumi.ResourceOptions(
                                                provider    = eks_cluster_provider
When I am doing the pulumi up, I am getting this error,
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can't create Helm Release with unreachable cluster: unable to load Kubernetes client configuration from kubeconfig file. Make sure you have:

         • set up the provider as per <https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/kubernetes/installation-configuration/>
Am I missing something here?
You don't show your imports and only some of the variable names, so it's a bit hard to tell. You do not have to specify the cluster when instantiating the provider. Handing over a kubeconfig is sufficient:
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import pulumi
import pulumi_eks as eks
import pulumi_kubernetes as k8s

# first program

cluster = eks.Cluster(...)
pulumi.export("kubeconfig", cluster.kubeconfig)

# second program

first_stack = pulumi.StackReference(...)
k8s_provider = k8s.Provider("k8s-provider", kubeconfig=first_stack.get_output("kubeconfig"))
Hope that helps!