Hi there, we are running into issues after rotati...
# general
Hi there, we are running into issues after rotating the kubeconfig in our pulumi managed kubernetes cluster similiar to https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues/1814 pulumi is trying to delete all ressouces in the cluster due to the changed kubeconfig. The github issue stated to run
$ pulumi up --target  urn:pulumi:<kubeconfig-secret> --target urn:pulumi:<http://infra.dev|infra.dev>::infra::pulumi:providers:kubernetes::<my-provider>
. Any idea what "<kubeconfig-secret" should refer to?
We're just discussing about this problem and a potential fix in this thread: https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/CRFURDVQB/p1715104689928329
I think it would be valuable if you could see if the proposed solution would work for you and share your opinion
Thank you @modern-zebra-45309, i will look into this thread
Thanks! I also just noticed that you asked about the secret: I think this is an artifact of the way that the person filing the issue set this up. They read the kubeconfig from a Kubernetes secret, so as part of their targeted "up" they replace both the Kubernetes provider and the value read from the secret. If you don't have a secret but are passing the kubeconfig into the provider via the configuration or just as a hardcoded value, you don't have a secret you could update.
Ah ok that makes sense! We are not using a secret but the kubeconfig direclty. Thanks for explaning this^