We're trying to switch to using remote sources in ...
# automation-api
We're trying to switch to using remote sources in our pulumi api. We have a tenant creation api that uses a remote source to pull our pulumi project from a github repo to define the resources. The problem we're hitting is that it looks like this process requires the api to clone the remote repo and build it locally which is taking up >5GB of memory and getting the pod evicted. Is there some way to instead reference a pre-built package rather than pull code and build on request? Are there possibly some resource efficiencies we're missing that are causing such a large resource consumption on go build of the project?
Hey. Did you try to create a local project and use prebuild binary with runtime options? Something like that:
Copy code
name: mygoproject
description: A minimal Go Pulumi program
  name: go
   binary: ./my-program