Hi all, I'm working in C#, and trying to add Appli...
# azure
Hi all, I'm working in C#, and trying to add ApplicationAppRoles to an ApplicationRegistration. Works fine the first time I make the call, but after that I seem to get an error message error: 1 error occurred: 620 * creating App Role (Application ID: "0a046900-d42f-4d3b-834f-9f05b86fc12f", Role ID: "faa65277-fce7-4747-a94a-ed5752edadb0"): ApplicationsClient.BaseClient.Patch(): unexpected status 400 with OData error: DuplicateValue: Request contains a property with duplicate values.: creating App Role (Application ID: "0a046900-d42f-4d3b-834f-9f05b86fc12f", Role ID: "faa65277-fce7-4747-a94a-ed5752edadb0"): ApplicationsClient.BaseClient.Patch(): unexpected status 400 with OData error: DuplicateValue: Request contains a property with duplicate values. 621 How can I check to see if the ApplicationRegistration already has the role assigned before trying to create it? Thanks
Checking to see if anyone has ideas on this. There doesn't seem to be a way to query the ApplicationRegistration and get back the ApplicationAppRoles in a single call. or get the ApplicationAppRoles for an application. Thoughts?