Hi guys, I am using pulumi to deploy AWS APIGatewa...
# general
Hi guys, I am using pulumi to deploy AWS APIGateway and Lambda resources, the number of which is thousands. When I run pulumi up, I find that the running state will last for a long time after all resources are updated. --debug found that there is "debug: waiting for quiescence; 53775 outputs outstanding" in the log, which affects the running state. Can anyone help me solve this problem? My pulumi version: v3.117.0 Python version: Python3.11
You almost definitely want to split this up in to smaller stacks. Can you also try skipping checkpoints and see if that makes a difference?
Thank you for your answer.After using the --skip-preview parameter, there is still no change, and there will still be debug: waiting for quiescence; 53775 outputs outstanding.
https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/10750 has details on how to skip checkpoints.
Are you creating thousands of Lambda functions?
No, my thousands of resources include apigateway's resource, method and other resources.