Anybody know if `pulumi policy` is going to be sup...
# general
Anybody know if
pulumi policy
is going to be supported for local execution?
error: File state backend does not support resource policy
hacking around things … but this isn’t promising:
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Previewing update (camus-infra):
panic: fatal: An assertion has failed: failed to convert err no analyzer plugin 'pulumi-analyzer-policy-python' found in the workspace or on your $PATH, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install analyzer policy-python` to Error, did this come from an RPC endpoint?
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$ pulumi plugin install analyzer policy-python
<> for manual instructions and release notes.
error: 404 HTTP error fetching plugin from <>. If this is a private GitHub repository, try providing a token via the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. See: <>
@thankful-controller-17230 it works already:
pulumi up --policy-pack
pulumi policy
is the mechanism to public server side policies to the pulumi service
hmmm. I’m probably doing something wrong. I did:
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mkdir policy
pulumi policy new --dir policy gcp-python
pulumi preview -s camus-infra --policy-pack policy
but the preview fails with:
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panic: fatal: An assertion has failed: failed to convert err no analyzer plugin 'pulumi-analyzer-policy-python' found in the workspace or on your $PATH, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install analyzer policy-python` to Error, did this come from an RPC endpoint?
I am running in a slightly nonstandard pulumi python env (
wrapped build targets and “pyenv” style python environment), which might be part of the problem. I’ll try to repro with a more minimal config
the other pulumi auto-fetched plugins work though … so policy is special in some way
also only running
but the release notes for
don’t seem relevant
how did you install pulumi?
should be in the same path as the binary
are you running on windows?
oh interesting. It’s there. probably an issue with my crazy
I have
grab the release binary for the platform and bundle it with all the python libs, then have a wrapper script that finds the binary and executes it in the python environment. This gets everyone running exactly the same
environment with no local python lib wrangling or headaches
but at the expense of maintaining this weirdo sandbox 🙂
thanks for the pointer for where to look for the leaky plumbing 🙂
in my wrapper and it works! thanks @billowy-army-68599
🎉 1