Hi, I recently started using `registerAutoTags` as...
# aws
Hi, I recently started using
as described here. After that I notice that my lambda resources are losing its policies, and I am puzzled as to why this is happening. I use pulumi to create a lambda, add a role, and policy attachments to it. After a successful
pulumi up
, after a few seconds my lambdas do not work, permission issues. I go look in AWS console, and they do not have my custom policy attachment anymore. If I
pulumi refresh
, I see the removed policies/attachments, and if I
pulumi up
again, it will create them. But on next re-deploy, the lambdas lose their policies again. I am thinking that there is something going on with the stack transformations I am trying to apply, but honestly, I have no good idea why this is happening, apart from the only change before this started, being the tagging. If anyone ever faced this issue or has some pointers on where I should look, it would be much appreciated. Thank you