Hi, I am trying to create a VPC and then query the...
# aws
Hi, I am trying to create a VPC and then query the result object to get the private subnet but it is always failing with the following error during preview itself:
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* multiple EC2 Subnets matched; use additional constraints to reduce matches to a single EC2 Subnet
I cant seem to figure out the cause specially when this is occurring in preview itself. Please help.
Can you share some code snippets, so we can see what you’re trying to do?
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vpc = awsx.ec2.Vpc("pulumi-test",cidr_block='',subnet_specs=[
    ], number_of_availability_zones=1)

subnet = aws.ec2.get_subnet(id=vpc.private_subnet_ids[0])
  security_group = aws.ec2.get_security_group(vpc_id=vpc.vpc_id)
@salmon-account-74572 thoughts?
Hey Akshay, I’ll take a look at this as soon as I have a chance. I’m just a community member trying to help, but right now my help can only be best-effort. 🙂
🙏 1
Did you ever get an answer to this? I have a similar problem whereby I created a VPC via the crosswalk - awsx.ec2.Vpc, which did create successfully, however I updated my script to include the creation of elasticsearch which needs the subnet, however get the ids (vpc.publicSubnetIds[0] returns the promise and not the value, which causes my elasticsearch to complain that I need to provide a valid subnet
not that it is important, but i was actually attempting to access the isolatedSubnetIds - either way, they do not resolve. fyi - i did ad a { dependsOn: [vpc]} to my es config, does not help
@broad-toddler-72261 i did not have a satisfactory answer to it. I did even put up a question in stackoverflow. There's no follow up answer to it. I have decided to run vpc creation isolated and then the rest of the stuff or rather move to terraform.