Hey - I'm having trouble finding information on ho...
# golang
Hey - I'm having trouble finding information on how to conditionally include a setting. I want to read an input variable and only include the configuration if the input variable exists. It's the one I got help on before but I want to only include it conditionally.
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func main() {
	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
        conf := config.New(ctx, "")
        INIT_SCRIPT := config.Get("init_script_path")

		cluster, err := databricks.NewCluster(ctx, "example", &databricks.ClusterArgs{
			// logic here to only include if INIT_SCRIPT has content //
            InitScripts: databricks.ClusterInitScriptArray{
					S3: databricks.ClusterInitScriptS3Args{
						Destination: pulumi.String("something"),
            // END INCLUDE AREA //

		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error creating cluster: %w", err)

		ctx.Export("clusterName", cluster.ClusterName)

		return nil

I believe you could use config.Try() which returns (string, error) and assign your databricks.ClusterInitScriptArray to a variable based on that
👍 1
For now I am using this and it does the trick. 🙂
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var = config.Get("var_name")
if var_name == "" {
  var = "default val"