Hi, I am trying to create a VPC and then query the...
# general
Hi, I am trying to create a VPC and then query the result object to get the private subnet but it is always failing with the following error during preview itself:
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* multiple EC2 Subnets matched; use additional constraints to reduce matches to a single EC2 Subnet
I cant seem to figure out the cause specially when this is occurring in preview itself. Please help.
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vpc = awsx.ec2.Vpc("pulumi-test",cidr_block='',subnet_specs=[
    ], number_of_availability_zones=1)

subnet = aws.ec2.get_subnet(id=vpc.private_subnet_ids[0])
you’re querying the subnets at the same time you’re creating them, you need to make sure the subnet query happens after the vpc creation with depends_on It’s not really clear why you’re doing this however
1. So preview command actually queries the resources on aws to get the results? 2. I think depends_on is a resource option and cannot be used for get_* functions which hqve invoke_option. Let me know if im wrong. 3. Simce im still testing out pulumi, i was trying to get the zone in which the subnet is created to use later on in code.
@billowy-army-68599 thoughts?